The difference between true random number generators(TRNGs) and pseudo-random number generators(PRNGs) is that TRNGs use an unpredictable physical means to generate numbers (like atmospheric noise), and pseudo-random numbers are sets of algorithms that utilize mathematical formulas to produce a certain sequence of numbers that will appear random, or at least will have the effect of randomness.
If you listed down the results of pseudo-randomness mimicking dice rolls the numbers will really appear as if they are random. But statistical analysis will prove that the numbers produced by a pseudo-random algorithm is not really random but is rather predetermined. Thus its results can effectively calculated and guessed.
Implementation of pseudo random
The below function is an example of how pseudo-random can be implemented using keccakhash. The result of which could be predetermined and guessed ahead of time.
let random = fun (entropy: Uint256) => fun (block_number: BNum) => fun (addr: ByStr20) => let addr_hash = builtin keccak256hash addr in let entropy_hash = builtin keccak256hash entropy in let blockhash = builtin keccak256hash block_number in let ehash = builtin concat entropy_hash blockhash in let ahash = builtin concat ehash addr_hash in let last_hash = builtin concat ehash ahash in let hash = builtin keccak256hash last_hash in builtin to_uint256 hash