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Pattern (ownership)

If your contract has an owner it typically means that address has admin powers meaning they have the privilege to adding/remove critical data or pause/unpause the contract.

It's important to keep your address keys safe, but if for any reason a contract_owner needs changing, there needs to be transitions pre-baked into your contract to handle this case.

Transferring ownership#

Note the below example. The owner field is initially set to owner_at_deployment, but can then be changed at a later date. You should consider an ownership pattern when writing contracts.

It shows three ways of how to change the owner of the contract:

transition ChangeOwner(new_owner : ByStr20)

ChangeOwner allows anybody to change contract_owner to any address, which is dangerous

transition ChangeOwnerByOwnerOnly(new_owner : ByStr20)

Here only the owner can change the ownership. This is better, yet still problematic as the new_owner might be wrong (a typo is enough), and thus the contract will have either a wrong owner, or even worse a non-existing owner.

The suggested way of transferring ownership, see Scilla Documentation -- use this in practice. The current owner proposes (stages) a new owner

transition RequestOwnershipTransfer(new_owner : ByStr20)

The proposed new owner accepts the ownership

transition ConfirmOwnershipTransfer()

This allows a recall of ownership in the case the address was mistyped.

scilla_version 0
contract Ownership(owner_at_deployment: ByStr20) (* immutable *)
(* mutable fields declarations *)field owner : ByStr20 = owner_at_deployment (* the current owner *)field pending_owner: Option ByStr20 = None {ByStr20} (* a new owner has been proposed *)
(* the safe way of tranfering owner ship: current owner proposes a new owner    *)(* and the new onwer collects/accpets the owner ship                            *)transition RequestOwnershipTransfer(new_owner : ByStr20)  current <- owner;  is_owner = builtin eq _origin current;  match is_owner with  | False => (* do not accept proposal as _origin is not current owner *)    ev = {_eventname: "RequestOwnershipTransferFailureSameOwner"};    event ev  | True =>    proposed = Some {ByStr20} new_owner;    pending_owner := proposed;    ev = {_eventname: "RequestOwnershipTransferSuccess"};    event ev  endend
transition ConfirmOwnershipTransfer()  proposed_option <- pending_owner;  match proposed_option with  | None => (* ownership transfer is not in-progress, do nothing *)    ev = {_eventname: "ConfirmOwnershipTransferFailureNoProposedNewOwner"};    event ev  | Some proposed_owner =>    caller_is_new_owner = builtin eq _origin proposed_owner;    match caller_is_new_owner with    | False => (* the caller is not the new owner, do nothing *)      ev = {_eventname: "ConfirmOwnershipTransferFailureNotCalledByProposedNewOwner"};      event ev    | True => (* transfer ownership *)      owner := proposed_owner;      none = None {ByStr20};      pending_owner := none;      ev = {_eventname: "ConfirmOwnershipTransferSuccess"};      event ev    end  endend

Further reading#

Scilla Documentation - Ownership
