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Natural numbers

NAT types are natural numbers. You can start at 0 using,


and have a way to get the next one, i.e. its successor using,


Nat is used as a part of folding.

scilla_version 0(***************************************************)(* The built-in ADT "Nat"                          *)(***************************************************)import NatUtils
contract NatType()
field counter: Nat = Zero
(* emit the current value of the counter in an event *)procedure EmitCounterAsNumber()  c <- counter;  number = nat_to_int c; (* from NatUtils *)  ev = {_eventname : "EmitCounter"; counter_value: number};  event evend
(* Increase the counter: get next Peano Number *)transition Increase()  c <- counter;  next = Succ c;  counter := next;  EmitCounterAsNumberend
(* Decrease the counter: get previous Peano Number    *)(* floored at Zero, i.e. there is no previous to Zero *)transition DecreaseFlooredAtZeo()  c <- counter;  previous_opt = nat_prev c; (* from NatUtils *)  previous = let p =    match previous_opt with    | None => (* counter was Zero, remains at Zero *)      Zero    | Some x =>      x    end in (* previous_opt *)  p;  counter := previous;  EmitCounterAsNumberend

Further reading#

Haskell Peano Numbers


Scilla Documentation - Nat