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Scilla defines signed and unsigned integer types of 32, 64, 128, and 256 bits.

These integer types can be specified with the keywords IntX and UintX where X can be 32, 64, 128, or 256.

For example, the type of an unsigned integer of 32 bits is Uint32.

The following code snippet declares a variable of type Uint32:

scilla_version 0
import IntUtils
let zero_int32 = Int32 0let zero_int64 = Int64 0let zero_int128 = Int128 0let zero_int256 = Int256 0
let zero_uint32 = Uint32 0let zero_uint64 = Uint64 0let zero_uint128 = Uint128 0let zero_uint256 = Uint256 0
contract Integers()
transition IsGreaterThan(a: Int32, b: Int32)  is_gt = int32_gt a b;  ev = {_eventname : "IsGreaterThan"; a: a; b: b; is_a_greater_b: is_gt};  event evend
transition Example(a: Uint128, b: Uint128)  c = builtin eq a b;  (*Is a equal to b? Returns a Bool.*)
  d = builtin add a b; (*Add integer values a and b. Returns an integer of the same type.*)
  e = builtin sub a b; (*Subtract b from a. Returns an integer of the same type.*)
  f = builtin mul a b; (*Integer product of a and b. Returns an integer of the same type.*)
  g = builtin div a b; (*Integer division of a by b. Returns an integer of the same type.*)
  h = builtin rem a b; (*The remainder of integer division of a by b. Returns an integer of the same type.*)
  i = builtin uint128_lt a b; (*Is a less than b? Returns a Bool.*)
  j = builtin uint128_le a b; (*Is a less or equal to b? Returns a Bool.*)
  k = builtin uint128_gt a b; (*Is a greater than b? Returns a Bool.*)
  l = builtin uint128_ge a b; (*Is a greater or equal than b? Returns a Bool.*)
  m = builtin uint128_pow a b; (*a raised to the power of b. Returns an integer of the same type as a.*)
  p = builtin uint128_isqrt a; (*Computes the integer square root of i, i.e. the largest integer j such that j * j <= i. Returns an integer of the same type as i.*)
  q = builtin uint128_to_nat a; (*Convert a value of type Uint32 to the equivalent value of type Nat.*)
  r = builtin to_(u)int32/64/128/256 (*Convert a UintX / IntX or a String (that represents a decimal number) value to the result of Option UintX or Option IntX type. Returns Some res if the conversion succeeded and None otherwise. The conversion may fail when*)end

Further reading#

Scilla Documentation - Integers