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A list is a data type which can hold several instances of a singular type. Consider the below definition of creating a List of ByStr20.

field state_list_users : List ByStr20 = Nil {ByStr20} (* an empty List of ByStr20's*)
transition Test()  current_list <- state_list_users; (* read the list *)  new_user = Cons {ByStr20} _sender current_list; (* Create a new list element and append to the current list *)  state_list_users := new_user (* set the appended list into state *)end

Example list contract#

scilla_version 0(***************************************************)(* List operations                                 *)(***************************************************)import ListUtils BoolUtils
library List
let empty_list = Nil {Uint32}
let one   = Uint32 1 (* numbers 1, 2, 3 and 4 to use below *)let two   = Uint32 2let three = Uint32 3let four = Uint32 4
let create_3el_list = (* utility to create a list with 3 elements *)  fun (e1 : Uint32) =>  fun (e2 : Uint32) =>  fun (e3 : Uint32) =>  let nil = empty_list in      let le3 = Cons {Uint32} e3 empty_list in (* insert in front *)      let le2e3 = Cons {Uint32} e2 le3 in      Cons {Uint32} e1 le2e3 (* [e1, e2, e3] *)
let equal = fun (a: Uint32) => fun(b: Uint32) =>  builtin eq a b
let not_equal = fun (a: Uint32) => fun(b: Uint32) =>  let equal = builtin eq a b in  negb equal (* from BoolUtils *)
(* utility to remove all elements that equal a value from a lit *)let remove_elements_from_list = fun(value: Uint32) => fun(l: List Uint32) =>  let f = not_equal value in  let filterUint32 = @list_filter Uint32 in (* from ListUtils *)  filterUint32 f l
(* check if two list l1 and l2 have no common elements:         *)(* for each element in the first list, we check if it exists    *)(* in the second list. If any such element exists, we return    *)(* False (not disjunct) otherwise we return True                *)
(* return true if l[i] != value for all elements l[i] in the list l *)let all_elements_different_from_value =  fun(l: List Uint32) =>  fun(value: Uint32) =>    let f = not_equal value in    let for_allUint32 = @list_forall Uint32 in (* from ListUtiles *)    for_allUint32 f l (* checks if all elements are NOT equal to value *)
(* return true if no element in l1 is also in l2, or, put differently,  *)(* check for each element in l1 if all elements in l2 are different     *)let are_lists_disjunct =  fun(l1: List Uint32) =>  fun(l2: List Uint32) =>    let f = all_elements_different_from_value l2 in (* apply above expression to l2 *)    let for_allUint32 = @list_forall Uint32 in    for_allUint32 f l1 (* apply now this f to l1 *)

(* count the number of occurences of a value in a list *)let count_in_list =  fun(l: List Uint32) =>  fun(value: Uint32) =>    let f = (* increase accumulator if element equals value *)      fun(acc: Uint32) => fun(element: Uint32) =>      let equal = builtin eq value element in      match equal with      | False => acc      | True => builtin add acc one      end in    let init = Uint32 0 in (* initial value of accumulator *)    let folder = @list_foldl Uint32 Uint32 in    folder f init l
(* check if all elements in a list are unique                               *)(* we apply above counter to each element and check if it is exactly 1      *)(* if it is bigger than 1 for an element we are done and the result is fale *)let is_unique =  fun(l: List Uint32) =>    let f = fun(value: Uint32) =>      let num = count_in_list l value in      builtin eq num one in    let for_allUint32 = @list_forall Uint32 in    for_allUint32 f l (* apply now this f to l1 *)

contract List()
field list : List Uint32 = empty_listfield doubles : Map Uint32 Uint32 = Emp Uint32 Uint32 (* doubles[l[i]]=2*l[i] *)
(* create lists [1,2,3] or [1,2,1] and store in field list *)transition Create123()  l = create_3el_list one two three; (* [1, 2, 3] *)  list := lend
transition Create121()  l = create_3el_list one two one; (* [1, 2, 1] *)  list := lend
(* access n-th element of a list using list_nth, and emit it *)transition ElementAtPosition(n: Uint32)  l <- list;  el_opt =    let nth = @list_nth Uint32 in (* from ListUtils *)    nth n l; (* note that indexing starts at 0 *)  match el_opt with (* Option is None if no element with index i in list *)  | None => (* index is out of bounds: no such element *)    ev = {_eventname: "ElementAtPositionFailure"};    event ev  | Some el => (* list[i] = el *)    ev = {_eventname: "ElementAtPositionSuccess"; index: n; element: el};    event ev  endend
(* remove elements from list that equal to value *)transition RemoveIfEqualtTo(value: Uint32)  l <- list;  list_without_values = remove_elements_from_list value l;  list := list_without_valuesend
(* compare the lists [1,2,3] and [3 2 1] *)transition Compare123To321()  l123 = create_3el_list one two three; (* [1, 2, 3] *)  l321 = create_3el_list three two one; (* [3, 2, 1] *)  list_zip_eq_with = @list_zip_with Uint32 Uint32 Bool; (* from ListUtils *)  r = list_zip_eq_with equal l123 l321;  ev = {_eventname : "Compare123To321"; result: r};  event evend
(* compute the element wise difference of 2 lists *)transition Difference321Minus111()    l321 = create_3el_list three two one; (* [3, 2, 1] *)    l111 = create_3el_list one one one; (* [1, 1, 1] *)    list_zip_diff = @list_zip_with Uint32 Uint32 Uint32; (* from ListUtils *)    r = let diff = fun (a: Uint32) => fun(b: Uint32) => builtin sub a b in (* diff = a - b *)      list_zip_diff diff l321 l111;    ev = {_eventname: "Difference321Minus111"; result: r};    event evend
(* compute 2*l[i] and store in doubles[l[i]] *)procedure Twice(v: Uint32)  res =    let two = Uint32 2 in (* res = 2 * v *)    builtin mul v two;  doubles[v] := res (* store in map *)endtransition ComputeDoubles()  l <- list;  forall l Twice (* apply Twice(.) to each element *)end
(* sum the elements of a list using a left fold: res = 1 + 1 + 2 = 4 *)transition SumElements112()  l = create_3el_list one one two; (* [1, 1, 2] *)  folder = @list_foldl Uint32 Uint32; (* accumulator and list elements are of type Uint32 *)  sum_of_elements =    let init = Uint32 0 in (* initialize the accumulator at 0 *)    let addition = (* add elements to accumulator: a + b *)      fun(a: Uint32) => fun(b: Uint32) =>        builtin add a b in    folder addition init l;  ev = {_eventname: "SumElements112"; sum: sum_of_elements};  event evend
(* check if two lists l1 and l2 have at least one common element  *)(* if they have, they are not disjunct                            *)transition AreListsDisjunct()  (* create a few lists for testing *)  l1 = Cons {Uint32} one empty_list;      (* [1] *)  l2 = Cons {Uint32} two empty_list;      (* [2] *)  l32 = Cons {Uint32} three l2;           (* [3,2] *)  l41 = Cons {Uint32} four l1;            (* [4,1] *)  l111 = create_3el_list one one one;     (* [1,1,1] *)  l131 = create_3el_list one three one;   (* [1,3,1] *)  l243 = create_3el_list two four three;  (* [2,4,3] *)  (* apply are_lists_disjunct to some pair of the lists *)  check_1_2       = are_lists_disjunct l1 l2;         (* True *)  check_1_32      = are_lists_disjunct l1 l32;       (* True *)  check_2_32      = are_lists_disjunct l2 l32;       (* False *)  check_32_41     = are_lists_disjunct l32 l41;     (* True *)  check_1_111     = are_lists_disjunct l1 l111;     (* False *)  check_111_2     = are_lists_disjunct l111 l2;     (* True *)  check_32_111    = are_lists_disjunct l32 l111;   (* True *)  check_111_131   = are_lists_disjunct l111 l131; (* False *)  check_111_243   = are_lists_disjunct l111 l243; (* True *)  (* emit results *)  ev = {_eventname: "AreListsDisjunct";        check_1_2: check_1_2;        check_1_32: check_1_32;        check_2_32: check_2_32;        check_32_41: check_32_41;        check_1_111: check_1_111;        check_111_2: check_111_2;        check_32_111: check_32_111;        check_111_131: check_111_131;        check_111_243: check_111_243  };  event evend
(* count the number of occurences of a value in a list *)transition Count()  (* create a few lists for testing *)  l111 = create_3el_list one one one;     (* [1,1,1] *)  l131 = create_3el_list one three one;   (* [1,3,1] *)  l243 = create_3el_list two four three;  (* [2,4,3] *)  (* apply count_in_list to some value and the test lists *)  check_1_in_empty= count_in_list empty_list one; (* 0 *)  check_1_in_243  = count_in_list l243 one; (* 0 *)  check_1_in_131  = count_in_list l131 one; (* 2 *)  check_1_in_111  = count_in_list l111 one; (* 3 *)  (* emit results *)  ev = {_eventname: "Count";        check_1_in_empty: check_1_in_empty;        check_1_in_243: check_1_in_243;        check_1_in_131: check_1_in_131;        check_1_in_111: check_1_in_111  };  event evend
transition CheckUniqueness()  (* create a few lists for testing *)  l1 = Cons {Uint32} one empty_list;      (* [1] *)  l123 = create_3el_list one two three;   (* [1,2,3] *)  l131 = create_3el_list one three one;   (* [1,3,1] *)  l311 = create_3el_list three one one;   (* [3,1,1] *)  (* apply is_uniqe to some lists *)  chk_empty = is_unique empty_list; (* true *)  chk_1     = is_unique l1;         (* true *)  chk_123   = is_unique l123;       (* true *)  chk_131   = is_unique l131;       (* false *)  chk_311   = is_unique l311;       (* false *)  (* emit results *)  ev = {_eventname: "CheckUniqueness";        chk_empty: chk_empty;        chk_1: chk_1;        chk_123: chk_123;        chk_131: chk_131;        chk_311: chk_311  };  event evend

User defined list functions#

The below snippets are user defined library snippets which involve the List type.


let listByStr20Contains =  fun(list: List ByStr20) =>  fun(bs: ByStr20) =>    let listMemByStr20 = @list_mem ByStr20 in      listMemByStr20 eqByStr20 bs list


let listByStr20Excludes =  fun(list: List ByStr20) =>  fun(bs: ByStr20) =>    let b = listByStr20Contains list bs in negb b


let listByStr20FilterOut =  fun(list: List ByStr20) =>  fun(bs: ByStr20) =>    let listByStr20Filter = @list_filter ByStr20 in    let fn = fun(v: ByStr20) =>      let b = builtin eq v bs in       negb b in      listByStr20Filter fn list

Further reading#

TheDrBee - List.Scilla Scilla Documentation - List